In diesem Blog beantworte ich kurze persönliche Fragen mit Hilfe der Astrologie oder anderen intuitiven Methoden. Für längere und komplexe Beratungen per Skype oder Mail, die intensiverer Arbeit bedürfen schreiben Sie mir bitte eine Email und ich teile Ihnen meine Konditionen mit.

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Montag, 1. Februar 2010

I don't understand Astrology (English translation)

I have a basic problem with understanding Astrology. How is it possible that our birth time and place can influence us in such a way? And what if the birth of a child is induced by medical means, what if the birth is not natural, but planned by the schedule of the mother? Stefanie

Dear Stefanie

It is not the time and the location that influences us but the cosmic and stellar forces that meet and merge at this time and place. They create a stellar Mandala, an image of your soul in the sky, which is so individual and so precise that it will take 22’000 years to reappear in this form. Mystics, alchemists, mediums and philosophers have been pondering for thousands of years how it can be possible that forces outside of Planet Earth – and outside the rational mind – influence our destiny. The number of approaches and philosophical models is endless and it would not take pages or books, but libraries to explore and explain them.

For me astrology is an experiential – not experimental! – Science. I have studied it, I have tested it for years and it works for me. I know its rationality, its rules, its mathematics, it’s psychology and symbolism but I don’t claim to know or understand the transcendental ground it arises from.

I know that I am part of a big wholeness and that astrology is the code and the language of this wholeness. Which does not mean that astrology is a purely intuitive work. To become a good astrologer, you need to be ready and willing to use your brain passionately and thoroughly. It is hard mental work. Astrology is a logical system; it has its very clear and undisputable rules that have to be learned before one can start. But if an astrologer is not able to enter the intuitive ZONE and listen to the song of a chart, then all mental knowledge and study is nothing more than vanity and pride.

To the issue of medically induced birth: Many astrologers have discussed this. Some of us believe it to be a real problem, since now the majority of children in the developed World are born in the daytime. This could in fact lead to a culture that emphasizes the qualities of the day: rationality, intellect and analysis and might forget about the qualities of the night: creativity, imagination, inner silence, intuition, mysticism. And it seems to be true that our culture is moving in this direction. We are dealing with a generation of children who seem to be deprived of a rich inner world and seek instead desperately stimulation from the outside. We will see in the future if this is an unfortunate trend that might change our culture or if Mother Nature will find her own tricks and ways to deal with this.

What is stronger? Life force and or the medical establishment? Karma or the needle of the doctor? Even if a caesarian is scheduled for weeks or if a birth is induced with drugs, there is a still lot of room for the unexpected, for delays, problems, and the unforeseen. Emergencies come in, drugs do not work, complications occur, doctors are in the coffee break – and 10, 15 or 20 Minutes can make a big difference in a horoscope.

Some German astrologers might remember the anecdote of the Munich doctor, who was paranoid to have a Scorpio child and wanted to prevent it at all cost. He pushed his poor and heavily pregnant wife to do sit-ups and push-ups since the dreaded time of the Sun in Scorpio came nearer (this was before medical induction). Result: The baby actually did have a Libra Sun, but a Scorpio Moon and a Scorpio Rising. You can try to fuck with destiny. But you might not win.

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