In diesem Blog beantworte ich kurze persönliche Fragen mit Hilfe der Astrologie oder anderen intuitiven Methoden. Für längere und komplexe Beratungen per Skype oder Mail, die intensiverer Arbeit bedürfen schreiben Sie mir bitte eine Email und ich teile Ihnen meine Konditionen mit.

Ihre Kurzfragen senden Sie mir bitte als Email. Bitte vergessen Sie nicht das Geburtsdatum, den Ort und die Zeit. Bitte denken Sie daran, dass ich über zukünftige Ereignisse keine "prophetischen" Aussagen mache, sondern mich mit den Energien und Potentialen befasse, also mit den Möglichkeiten, die Sie in sich tragen.

Und: Um gute Antworten zu bekommen, muss man gute Fragen stellen! Bitte nehmen Sie sich Zeit und denken Sie über Ihre Frage nach.

Freitag, 26. Februar 2010

Will I ever get married?

Die deutsche Übersetzung folgt.

"Will I ever get married. How many children will I have? Can you as an Astrologer tell me this?"

Darling. Let me give you a straight answer: No. A sincere Astrologer can not tell you how many children you will have or if you will get married. Some Astrologers do make such statements, probably because it gives them a little nice boost of importance but I don't think Astrology can deliver such results.

But a good astrologer can tell you how your feelings around children are, if it is good for you to be around them, in what patterns you would relate with them. What kind of mother you would be. Also if you need the experience of motherhood for your development. The same goes for love: In a chart you can see if you are passionate or shy, how you relate, insecure or confident, if you need to be alone or if you need a partner. Or many partners. How your sexual pattern and needs are. If you are kinky or vanilla. If you a a born Buddhist nun or a wild, wild child. But not exactly when Mr Right will knock on your door.

Astrology can help you name the parts of yourself that support you and those who limit you and it can help you to work with these parts. It can show you what is for you the easiest way to move out of a problem. How you solve issues the best. It can also tell you about your early childhood, it can tell you about your parents and the ways they have influenced you. Beware – it tells you about how you experienced your parents – not how they really were, or how they appeared to your siblings. The chart shows your view of things, your personal experience.

I try to stay away from fortunetelling. Precise predictions are, the way I see it, a clear abuse of power. The rise hopes or they destroy hopes. They put the astrologer and his „fabulous“ spiritual powers in the center, while the astrologer should only be a messenger. They can be deeply destructive. I once had two clients who were before me with the same astrologer. This man told both women - who were 27 and 56 - that they would NEVER have a relationship again. It was hard work to fix these negative inprints he cruely installed in them, and it took the help of professional therapists. I don't think that this man will ever realize the amount of damage he is causing with his "work".

So. That's why I do not blabber much about the future in my blog. Two reasons: The first one is space and time. I try to focus on one or two issues. And second: Predictions, if made at all, are issues for personal counselling. Unless I see you and feel where you are at, unless we have a personal connection it would be not very responsible.

Don't get me wrong. Of course the chart shows the patterns and energy of the future. But we never know how this energy will manifest - on an outer or inner level. We can see the tendency but we do not know for sure: A tense and repressing transit can manifest as a clinical depression or as an limiting accident. An erotic aspect can manifest in a hot love story or in a creative outburst of sensual art. A difficult transit may result in a split with a lover or an operation on the heart. Both is related, both affects the heart chakra - but they happen on different levels of reality, one energetic, one physical.

For me astrology is best used as an exploration of your self, your talents, your needs, your energy. Let the future do it’s own thing. And most of all: Trust. Trust life and trust yourself.

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