In diesem Blog beantworte ich kurze persönliche Fragen mit Hilfe der Astrologie oder anderen intuitiven Methoden. Für längere und komplexe Beratungen per Skype oder Mail, die intensiverer Arbeit bedürfen schreiben Sie mir bitte eine Email und ich teile Ihnen meine Konditionen mit.

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Mittwoch, 10. Februar 2010

I feel so stuck! (English translation)

These days I get so many question from people who feel emotionally stuck. And the big question is: How do I get out?

The last time I felt like this was a few years ago when I lived in Amsterdam. It was as if everything had turned grey and there was no hope left. I was out of control, overwhelmed by panic, depression and fear. One rainy morning I walked along Prinsengracht on the way to just another psychiatrist. I had not slept in three nights and felt like a beaten-up dog, in ashes, enstranged, sad. Putting carefully one foot in front of next in order not to fall out of tiredness. There was a very well dressed and nice looking Dutch Lady standing next to her car looking at me. And as I walked bye she smiled at me and said. „You are so very pretty“.

But first back to you.

As I see it there are many ways to move out of stagnation but two I can tell you of. The first one I like to call the Christopher Walker method. Christopher Walker demonstrates it in this short scene out of the Leonardo Di Caprio movie "Catch me if you can"

Will this work for you? It depends on your personality type. I for instance will never tread milk into butter. I am happy if I manage to get up in the morning and pluck my eyebrows. Determination and discipline are not my forte. For this you have to be a marathon man, not a sprinter. But if it fits to your nature then this will not only make you feel better, you will gain masses of self-esteem and trust in your abilities.

Here comes the second method:

The secret lies in surfing. You become a surfer. You sit at the beach and watch the waves with great passion and patience. You see them coming and going, breaking at the shore, you sing for the waves. You wait for he right wave. It has to be YOUR wave, a grand wave, the perfect wave. And then you have to be couragious.

(The surfer in this clip survived the Tzunami)

I recommend the movie „Breaking Point“ with Patrick Swayze to everybody who feels stuck. It is about the alchemy of seeing the right wave coming and the braveness you need to ride it. Once you ride your perfect wave you will be carried by it and all you have to do is keep your balance.

Your wave can be anything. A passion, a person, a new thing you learn, a book, a movie, a new job, a smile, a poem. For me it was that sweet and kind woman. She was my wave – thank you, Madame. With her authentic kindness she showed me that there was a normal world, a world where the skies are blue and women are pretty. She enabled me to take my surfboard and to travel to these shores. The ride took a while, but she gave me a compass and a direction.

There is a right moment for everything, a magical moment to move out of your stagnation. Whether you choose surfing energy or whether you choose discipline and effort or your very own special way - I wish you the greatest luck!

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