In diesem Blog beantworte ich kurze persönliche Fragen mit Hilfe der Astrologie oder anderen intuitiven Methoden. Für längere und komplexe Beratungen per Skype oder Mail, die intensiverer Arbeit bedürfen schreiben Sie mir bitte eine Email und ich teile Ihnen meine Konditionen mit.

Ihre Kurzfragen senden Sie mir bitte als Email. Bitte vergessen Sie nicht das Geburtsdatum, den Ort und die Zeit. Bitte denken Sie daran, dass ich über zukünftige Ereignisse keine "prophetischen" Aussagen mache, sondern mich mit den Energien und Potentialen befasse, also mit den Möglichkeiten, die Sie in sich tragen.

Und: Um gute Antworten zu bekommen, muss man gute Fragen stellen! Bitte nehmen Sie sich Zeit und denken Sie über Ihre Frage nach.

Sonntag, 31. Januar 2010

Dear Kaira (English)

Hi Tatina,

Will I be able to get a new visa to come back and finish my work here in peace???

Now that we are so close to the finish..... I need one more visa for 3 or 6 months. Business or tourist visa i dont care anymore.

(Exact birthtime withheld)

Much love! Kaira

Beloved Kaira

This is actually a question for a specialist in Horary Astrology – they work with answers that require a very precise Yes or No answers to a „worldly“ question – I work more with the energies that surround the issue. One of my teachers is an expert in Horary Astrology – let me know if I should make the connection for you.

Here some thoughts from my perspective: The last year must have been an incredible challenge for you, very hard. The good news ist that Pluto, the Great Cosmic Egokiller and Lord of Radical Transformation is moving finally away from your Sun. This should create a clear sense of relief, ease and relaxation. A very serious energy is lightening up. Pluto is also trining your natal Pluto, which has next to your strong Capricorn nature certainly helped to maintain your strenght and stamina through this. Jupiter has moved into the 9th house and will be followed by Neptune, indicating travels and high hopes and wishes connected with these travels. Chiron, the eternally wounded cosmic healer is also right on the cusp of your 9th House, maybe indicating the hurt and the difficulties that let to your move. The sense of dealing with a desperate matter of life or death should be disappearing now that Chiron left the 8th House, the house of death and rebirth. Uranus, the Great Visionary has already moved into your 10. House, hinting that you might start a new career and profession. When so many planets are moving house much is moving on the inside and it is a time when it is important to listen to one’s own intuitive voice as well as to the impulses that come from other people, from books, from thin air, from nature.

As you certainly know, it is advisable to be very gentle and caring with your body and health since you have so many natal planets in the 6th house. Now, but maybe even more when the tension has lifted. We Capricorns can keep up our shields for a long time but not forever. Please be sweet with yourself, like the best mother would be.

Additionally I have performed a Tibetan Mo Oracle for you. The symbol says: „The White Conchshell – Happy News“. It is an auspicious and positive answer. The essence of it says that change will come and that it will manifest with clear and beneficial news and information, like the sound of a White Conch.

The Tarot Card I pulled for you ist he 4 of Disks: Power. I see this card as an end of the violation of your boundaries, a regaining of strength and the rebuilding of a strong energetic shield.

If you have a picture of White or Green Tara it is in times of confronting obstacles very good to sometimes look at her, think of her and say her Mantra do dissolve things that might be in your way: Om Tare Tutare Ture Swaha!

I hope that all will be fine and that a beautiful new life is awaiting you.

LOVE to you, my Capricorn Sister, Tatina

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